Battle of Baideng Objective
From the moment Mete Han came to Hun rule
He expanded his country from then on. China is internal
As a rich state that had just emerged from the war, it was a blessing for the Huns. As a matter of fact, Mete, who was aware of this, approached China when it started to pose a problem for him. Even though Mete was at the head of a powerful army, he was hesitant to advance his armies into China to avoid falling into a trap. Instead, he besieged Mai Castle, which was an important place in China's northern defense. The castle was of great importance both strategically and because the defending commander was Gaozu's relative. The prince, who held the castle for a while, surrendered when he realized that no help would come from Gaozu and came under the protection of Mete. After that, the Han army of 320,000 fought with an unknown number of Hun soldiers (20,000 to 400,000), and the Huns won the war.